
Lessons Learned - Final Task

Hi Blog. This is the final product of our movie. It was a long way to get here but we're here.

Production Blog

  Hi Blog. This one is a doozy. It seems like we were so close to being done and everything wanted to fall apart. Thankfully, me and my group are smart thinkers. Our editing was done but we sadly realized last minute we were WAY over time. Now we were stuck. Did we want to be over time or did we want to trim it down and get the right time? We honestly went back and forth on it for a while. We didn't know what to do but our decision was to trim it. While we were dealing with that, we also had to quickly think of the CCR plan. I was going to be the interviewer for the CCR. I offered myself up and I honestly liked that idea more than the teddy beat one anyways. But honestly, we have been overwhelmed ever since we were reminded that it had to be only 2 minutes. We didn't know what and how to cut something we were proud of. We also didn't want it to seem like we didn't have a grip on things. It's honestly been a rough couple of days. But, me and my group are getting thro

Production Blog

  Hi Blog. This is another boring blog. We're done filming so the excitement is gone. We actually finished editing and it looks great. It wasn't choppy or anything. For a bunch of highschoolers, it looked great in my opinion. We haven't been doing much since then. We finished our title slides. Now, we were onto the topic of the CCR. We didn't know if we wanted to be extra or simple. Since it was supposed to be like an interview, we could've went our way to stage it like an interview. But we could also just do the stuffed animals route. I personally liked the interview route. We could do something like where the actors speak on the movie and the process of filming. Basically a promotion interview. But without the promotion of course. I'm going to run the idea to my groupmates and see which one we end up doing. I don't know what else to say. But that's the update. Thanks for reading!

Production Blog

  Hello Blog. I'm still not doing much these days since me and my group are pretty much done. We just are editing and waiting for the final product. I'm actually excited for this project because it required more. It wasn't like our music video where we did everything together. We had our own separate shots and everything too. But back to the topic at hand. While St. Flore is editing, we're basically putting the title pages together. We didn't want to be unproductive during this time since it's really easy to do that. We want to also be finished in a timely manner. Rushing at the end of a project is not a good way to end a project. At first, I'm not going to lie I was confused on it. But my groupmates had explained and shown me exactly what was going to be put on the page. We had to go back to our shared word document to get our information. It was actually really easy because the document had everything written down. Our teacher had gave us a layout that all

Production Blog

Hello Blog. I didn't do much of anything these past few days. We're done with filming and deciding the best shots for the film. Everything else is up to St. Flore since she edits the best. Since I didn't talk about our process of filming too much, I'll do it now. It honestly was fun filming. We had to take so many shots because either one of us messed up or was just laughing. That's what I love about this class. You're working but it doesn't feel like work. It especially doesn't feel like work because I'm doing it with friends. But we got a lot of different shots and angles just because we couldn't agree on them right on the spot. Another thing we did was change the script. You're never supposed to change the script but it honestly went better with us changing the script. In order for us to have enough time to get everything we needed to say out, we had to change it. Sydney was honestly a good sport as well. We had a lot of different takes. W

Production Blog

   Hello Blog. Me and my group have done filming. The mall was the same mall we went to for our music video actually. Much like the last time we filmed, it was pretty easy. Sydney was the one recording us this time. We didn't need her in this scene so it just worked out. The mall wasn't busy at this particular time. The setting was perfect. We did about 2 takes just because we didn't know which one we'd like more. Overall, it was a pretty easy scene since it was mostly dialogue. At first, I felt like I wasn't speaking loud enough but once I got comfortable, I think I did well. I didn't want to make them continue to keep recording and recording so I tried my best. I don't realize how uncomfortable it is for me to be on camera until I have to be. But I know sometimes life is uncomfortable so I always power through. Overall, no complaints. Working in a group always makes the process easier. After we were done filming, we reviewed the clips together. The best on